Does constant worry, fear, or anxiousness prevent you from living your best life? At Abisom Behavioral Health LLC in Conroe, Texas, licensed psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner Omotayo Sofela, PMHNP, can help you better deal with anxiety symptoms to achieve a sense of calm. Schedule an in-person or telehealth anxiety evaluation at Abisom Behavioral Health LLC by phone or request one online today.

Anxiety Q&A

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a common concern that affects many children and adults. It’s a mental health disorder associated with extreme worry or the fear of seemingly normal situations that don’t bother many other people. While nearly everyone feels anxious from time to time, anxiety disorders can reduce your quality of life when left untreated.

Which symptoms can anxiety cause?

An anxiety disorder can cause:

  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Racing heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Ongoing fear
  • Constant worry
  • Worrying about simple everyday situations
  • Feeling restless
  • Depression
  • Avoiding crowds, driving, or even leaving your home

Anxiety may negatively affect relationships with family and friends, your job, your overall well-being, and even your physical health.

What are the different types of anxiety disorders?

The following are common types of anxiety disorders:

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

    Social anxiety disorder is a mental health condition that contributes to fear in social situations – particularly in large group gatherings.

  • Phobias

    Phobias cause fears of specific animals, people, places, or things. You might fear spiders, tight spaces, elevators, or heights, which can sometimes cause panic attacks.

  • Panic Disorder

    Panic disorder is associated with panic attacks stemming from phobias or unknown causes. Such attacks can cause shortness of breath, extreme fear, a racing heartbeat, sweating, trembling, or the feeling of a heart attack.

  • Agoraphobia

    Agoraphobia is a form of anxiety in which you fear being in situations that are hard to escape from. Examples include public transportation, large crowds, or enclosed spaces.

  • Separation Anxiety Disorder

    Separation anxiety disorder causes worry when separating from someone you’re attached to, such as a caregiver or significant other.

  • Selective Mutism

    People with selective mutism, particularly children, avoid speaking in specific social situations — such as at school or when they’re with certain people.

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Generalized anxiety disorder involves ongoing or excessive worry that interferes with typical daily activities.

How is anxiety diagnosed and treated?

Your Abisom Behavioral Health LLC expert completes a psychiatric evaluation to detect anxiety or other mental health conditions. They ask questions about your emotions, behaviors, and thought patterns.

Treating anxiety typically includes taking medications, undergoing cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or other forms of therapy, and making lifestyle changes. You can speak with your therapist in person or virtually during telepsychiatry sessions.

Schedule an in-person or telepsychiatry anxiety evaluation at Abisom Behavioral Health LLC by calling the office or using the online booking feature today.

Connect With Us

Schedule an in-person or telepsychiatry anxiety evaluation at Abisom Behavioral Health LLC by calling the office or using the online booking feature. Our team is ready to help you start your journey to mental wellness—reach us today!